Grocery List Printable: Solving a Problem You Didn’t Know You Had!

We have a problem at out house, not like a batten down the hatches, fight about it or something we have insurance for problem but a problem none the less. Our grocery list has become hostile and contested territory. You see it goes like this, I buy the cheap magnetic list things at the dollar store and start filling it up on the fridge as one ought to right? Then honey writes a note on the bottom half and rips that section off. I notice and since I can remember 5 things at a time and that’s all the lines there are left I angrily re-copy it onto the next page. Then two days later he needs to take another note and the process repeated it’s self making me crankier each successive time. Other times he just takes and looses the whole pad, when I find it the magnet cardboard back has inevitably fallen off entirely making me buy another pad and have no list in the meantime. When I shop without a list we end up with 2 bottles of siracha, 3 of pancake syrup and 5 toilet bowl cleaners but no bread or eggs. This leads him to question my grocery shopping abilities which in turn leads me to declaring that if they sent a lady cop right now I would definitely get off with justifiable homicide, it’s a thing just for occasions like this you know. So I’ve decided to do something permanent about this seemly insignificant but actually incredibly irritating problem, plus it’ll make my trip around the store better two so win-win or no murder-win.

I decided to make a pretty grocery printable for the fridge that will solve this problem partially via passive manipulation. Evil smirk. I thought that this, or similar, might be a problem in other houses too so sharing is caring right, plus policing is still a male dominated profession. So here is my grocery list printable for you to use too, just click on the link below above the picture or in the caption for a printer friendly version enjoy and keep reading for all the hidden features!


grocery printable
  • It goes all the way to the edges, no room for notes
  • Clearly all of the page is important even if empty now, no notes!
  • Adding items under sections means I will be presented with items in a given section all at the same time
  • If you take notes on prices or sales there is space
  • With 4 (if that doesn’t work 12) magnets around it, too much work to remove them and rip it
  • It’s so so cute for a grocery list, not manly at all you don’t want to write on this, right…?
  • It has an other section, where so toothpicks or tin foil fall?
  • In and out faster with fewer backtracking loops
  • It’s fun to fill out something pretty, I tried apps and it’s so tedious to put everything in. Grocery lists are still something it makes sense to write out by hand
  • Prints on a standard letter sized piece of paper

Do you  have some seemingly silly in your house that is something that has become contested ground? Is it the grocery list? Does your family even know that it bugs you



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