Appreciate Every Stage of a Plan 

It’s that time of year again. Athletes all over the world (or at least in the northern hemisphere) are dusting off training schedules and starting the long grind to prepare for races that might still be months away. Whether it is your first time training or your seventeenth it can seem like a long and... Continue Reading →

What My Plans are All About

Believe it or not, I had written a training program before I ever started a blog. I started toying with the idea of completing an olympic triathlon when my cousin completed one and really inspired me. He was in fact super fit but also busy and had a medical issue that might have held him... Continue Reading →

The Science of Muscle Memory

I’ve heard about ‘muscle memory’ a lot over the years but what is it? Is is when your body just naturally knows how to do something because you’ve practiced it so much. That I kind of get but is it something else too? I’ve also heard it talked about in terms of getting back into... Continue Reading →

Bluenose Marathon Cheat Sheet

In 2023 the Bluenose Marathon weekend is headed back to the way it ‘usually’ operates. Even before COVID the Macdonald Bridge project and a hockey tournament had things changing up from the norm for a few years. It does look like virtual races are here to stay as an option though. Just some of many,... Continue Reading →

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